Hereā€™s How to Reverse Engineer 1st Page Google Results to Build Your SEO Roadmap

The ability to bring more organic web traffic to your website isnā€™t the easiest task to accomplish. Considering how search engines like Google have changed their search ranking algorithms over the years, it can be difficult to know exactly how and where you should focus your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts. However, while it can […]

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Customer Reviews: Why They Are Important For Small Businesses

Customer reviews are the feedback that your customers leave online about their experience with your products, services, or business. They can be positive, negative, or neutral, and they can appear on various platforms such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, or your own website. Customer reviews are more than just opinions; they are a powerful marketing tool […]

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How To Increase Visibility of Your Local Business

In the world of online marketing, you don’t have one or two competitors – you have tens if not hundreds. Try typing what your business is offering on a search engine, and those businesses are immediately your competition. You need to have a solid strategy in making your business known to potential customers, whether they […]

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How To Embrace Digital Platforms For Your Business

We’re currently living in an interesting time, where the worldwide pandemic situation has pushed small businesses to transform their brick-and-mortar stores to semi-digital or even fully-digital stores. As a small business owner, where should you begin? What steps will you take in order to stand out? Here are a few tips on how to embrace […]

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Local SEO is About Your Website (and More)

Many parts make up modern and local SEO – Search Engine Optimization. What does it take to optimize your business website for both your customers and for search engines? SEO nowadays has evolved to something that’s more than just optimizing your website. Your other online properties contribute to the larger picture that is your local […]

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7 Free Online Tools For Small Business Owners

As a business owner, we know you love to save time and money. That’s why it pays to know that there are tools out there that not only work well, but work for free as well. Check out the following online business tools that are absolutely free to use. Google Drive You know that when […]

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5 Ways To Deal With Negative Online Reviews

Most consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. This is why online reviews for your small business is very important. It is understandable if you are hesitant in providing a customer review section on your website, as it allows for negative feedback, but not allowing any reviews at all can make your customers […]

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10 Biggest Mistakes on Small Business Websites

Can you imagine owning a business, but not telling people what your phone number is? Of course not. But did you know that 50% of all small business websites don’t have their phone number clearly listed on their home page? That’s just one of the many examples of common mistakes small business owners are making […]

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