7 Useful Design Tips For Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce web design plays an important part in creating a thriving e-commerce website. The most efficient product in the world can overlooked easily if the design is not there to support the presentation. Case studies and data is what helps you design your e-commerce site better. While creativity always has enough room and inspiration can never be ignored, advice based data assures measurable outcomes. Ultimately, you want to sell more. Whether you do that by strong statements or clever elements of design, your e-commerce should leave your users with the urge to know more.

Good website design inspires customers to take action but additionally motivates them to boost the trust users develop with your brand. The action drives sales and design only helps motivate users to accomplish things like reaching out or purchasing.

Website structure is fundamental when building an ecommerce store website. Not solely does your webpage require to look fabulous, it also requires to encourage guests to buy your items. An engaging, clear, and informational page layout forces guests to linger on the website for a more extensive time and eventually transforming them into a possible customer. Valid ecommerce web design is important for converting website guests into consumers. Usually, your website design should execute the buying process as fast, straightforward, and hassle-free as likely. No matter how immeasurable your digital ads are, you could be missing out on relevant customers if your site is not leveraged for sales. You could additionally be spending your expensive ad budget on nothing if guests click off of your website the moment they get to it.

We present this article for anyone who wants to make their e-commerce look better. It does not matter whether you are using BigCommerce, WordPress, Wix, or a custom platform, the tips below work everywhere as contemporary principles of design.


  • Storytelling


When a product is great, you have great stories behind those products. There is not much work besides designing a simple ecommerce site to sell a product or service. But not everyone can make a thriving brand image around what they are selling. Your capability to tell a good story about your brand will support developing a powerful brand image. Additionally, loyalty is usually fostered by good storytelling. Users are more prone to recall your brand if they think you are personal and sincere. And storytelling is simply the best way to get personal.

You can ask yourself: what had you make the product? How did the product influence your life? How does your future work out with this product? Who are you targeting as your customer base?

Once you being answering such questions, you can get a clearer concept of how to go forward with your ecommerce website design. You can make users feel special through storytelling, which will surely make your customers return to your website because they would leave feeling inspired.


  • Fewer Choices


There is nothing more annoying than a website with poor store navigation. The aim of selling is to obtain users to put things in their shopping cart. But if the navigation offers too many choices, users will soon get impatient and abandon the website totally.

Among the many good examples of ecommerce website design, Walmart shows you what to not do unless you want long-tail purchases. Their navigation offers an over-the-top saturated listing of options for navigation, making users feel confused by the time you are done finding what you require. The easier customers can locate a particular product, the more they can spend time on reading about the product. In the end, therefore, they will buy the product.


  • Use the Power of ColorĀ 


Colors have a psychological influence on sales long before the digital age arrived. Comprehending the various kinds of emotions that can be invoked by colors, you can create your ecommerce site to match specific vibes and emotions.

Based on the target audience and product, you can apply color to evoke specific emotions. For instance, if your site is selling produce or environmental products, the green color is going to complement the natural sense. There are more ways to use color, for example, red is intense and energetic, which is perfect for race paraphernalia. Blue for a medical service website since it evokes faith and trust. Black for websites selling luxury items since it implies sophistication. Food websites are often orange or yellow since it means optimism and has a sense of urgency.

If you are still wondering how color affects customers, check this study out. In this study, they found out that customers take approximately 90 seconds to make an opinion on a product. And a prominent chunkā€”almost 70%–of audiences make this decision based on colors only.


  • Keep it Consistent


People who visit your website will recall your brand design not because you give it an attractive name but because of the total brand image you show. When it comes to web design, this is mostly based on how you create your pages. Do all the pages have the same colors and fonts? Dynamic patterns of typography can create an impressionable experience in the userā€™s mind.

Furthermore, if you apply a range of myriad colors over several pages, you risk looking like a multi-varied brand. As a consequence, if you wish to be remembered and recognized, it is important to focus on applying the same website design patterns. Even if there are many branches of your product, the pages should be designed while keeping in mind the similarities. This helps in creating a more effective brand presence. And this is what will eventually improve your sales.


  • Make Things Look Urgent


Urgency is mostly dependant on exclusive deals and offers. In the image below, the ecommerce site Bestbuy uses the upper section of their page to emphasize compelling deals. But are there any other ways to create a discernment of urgency?

Among the biggest causes for customers ignoring their shopping cart is the expensive shipping. So, that can be an opportunity to maximize by offering deals on the costs of shipping.

This tactic is also applied by brands such as Bestbuy and Amazon is popular for its Prime service. Users who are Prime subscribers have free shipping on almost all items exclusively. You can also motivate users to spend a particular amount in your store and they could get a reduced cost of shipping in return. There are other ways of creating urgency, such as reducing the stock available for a specific product.

Here is an example of a sweatshirt with a clear design for the holidays. The offer has free shipping in the USA but only for a limited time period. This is a great instance of urgency that is applied when creating e-commerce stores.


  • Beautiful and Clear Images


There is enough information to back up the assertion that visually striking, high-quality, and relevant images support conversion rates. And we are not just talking about images of products here. The imagery you apply in your websiteā€™s overall layout can have massive impacts on attracting the attention of users.

A stunning image inspires feelings, generates a discernment of identity, and is easy to remember. The average user can remember about 2000 images with flawless precision. And the most important thing of all, you do not always require to hire an expensive photographer to get the job accomplished. There are many tutorials and guides on making extraordinary product images using nothing but a smartphone or a normal camera.

Additionally, there are websites like Unsplash and Pexels are popular for offering professional and beautiful images for e-commerce websites.


  • Regular A/B Testing


As we reach the end of this list of ecommerce website design, let us end it by talking about A/B testing. What is A/B testing? It is usually the way to apply two separate website layouts at the same time. A and B are the two different versions. Then, after some time has gone by, you can contrast the measurements for every version independently. The metrics you can track are factors such as usability, conversion rates, and total interaction for various portions of the layout.

Even a minute modification in design can have huge enhancements in user engagement. In the same manner, you can try out various color combinations and more that can provide you a much clearer concept of what to change or where to focus in the future. You can easily find tools for A/B testing here.


Final Words

Nowadays, people shop online more than before. Everything you need, from laundry to groceries, you can do it online. So, it is not shocking more brands are putting up online stores before physical ones. Great ecommerce website design does not happen overnight, so it is advised you take your time with it. Keep an eye out for trends, keep on developing, and most importantly, never stop testing your website design. With these tips and your own design aesthetics, we are sure you can create a stunning website that will have your customers come back for more.


Author Bio:

Manan Ghadawala is the founder of 21Twelve Interactive which is one of the bestĀ mobile app development companyĀ in India and the USA. He is an idealistic leader with a lively management style and thrives raising the companyā€™s growth with his talents. He is an astounding business professional with astonishing knowledge and applies artful tactics to reach those imaginary skies for his clients. His company is also recognized by theĀ Top Mobile App Development Companies. Follow him onĀ TwitterĀ |Ā FacebookĀ |Ā LinkedIn

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